Saturday, March 26, 2011


Come eat at Chick-Fil-A (at Waverly Place in Cary) next Thursday, March 31st between 5 and 8pm. They will donate 15% of all sales that night from people who say they are there to support the Kenya Mission. We will have a PRIZE wheel, which you can spin when you give a $1 donation. EVERY spin is guaranteed a coupon for a FREE menu item!!! 100% of the money donated to spin the wheel will go directly to our mission. Can't wait to see you there! :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Our Thirty-One fundraiser was a huge success! Our sales total was $1,336 which means Marla wrote us a check for $334!!! Awesome!

Our next fundraiser is on March 31 at the Chick-Fil-A in Waverly Place in Cary. They will donate 15% of all sales between 5 and 8 pm that night from anyone who says they are there to suppot the Kenya Mission. Please come out and eat some delicious chicken for a good cause! :) We will also have a prize wheel which you can spin for $1. Every dime of the money donated to spin the wheel will go towards our mission and EVERY spin is gauranteed to win a coupon for a free menu item from Chick-Fil-A.

Finally our Mission Market is really taking off! Parking spaces are still available so please contact me if you would like more information or a form to fill out to be a vendor. We also need SHOPPERS to come out and buy the items for sale at the market. If you don't have anything to sell then this may be the perfect way for you to help. Who doesn't like shopping for a good cause?

PLEASE spread the word about our 2 upcoming fundraisers. They are very simple, fun, and easy ways for you to make a difference! Thanks for you rsupport! :)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Mission Market

In December when I was thinking about going to Africa, I prayed about whether or not I was supposed to go. I felt like God's response was "Of course! Why WOULDN'T I want you to go?". My response was "OK, then how?". Minutes later I was overwhelmed by this vision of a market. It was taking place in a parking lot and I felt like it was God's way of telling me how to raise the money for this cause. I can only give Him all the credit b/c never in my life have I ever attempted to raise this much money for any one cause, nor have I ever planned a fundraiser of any kind, much less on this large of a scale. This idea was clearly not mine.

SO, 3 months later it is becoming a reality! On April 9th (rain date April 16) we will have our "MISSION MARKET"!
Our goal is to "sell" 60 parking spaces for a minimum donation of $20 (You are welcome to give MORE than $20 for a space ;) Anyone can buy a parking space and sell whatever they want: yard sale items-furniture, clothes, sports equipment, bikes, household items, ART-paintings, photography, drawings, pottery, jewelry, blown glass, Products-Pampered Chef, Tupperware, Mary Kay, Thirty-One, Stampin' Up, etc.

Location: The "With Love From Jesus Ministries" parking on in the shopping center on the corner of Tryon Rd. and Wilmington Street

IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO PURCHASE A PARKING SPACE TO USE TO SELL ITEMS AT THE MARKET please let me know as soon as possible. The spots will be given to the first 60 people to PAY for them.

Don't have anything to sell? Tell someone else about it who might and COME SHOP at the Market! Ask your friends, co-workers, neighbors, family...whoever you can think of!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


WE HAVE PLANE TICKETS!!! Praise the Lord!

We also have new team members-Mary and Melanie who are two amazing women in my bible study. SO excited that God called them to join us!

The Thirty-One fundraiser was a HUGE success! I will post the total sales and amount that will go towards our mission when I get that info.

3 people have purchased books from the Scholastic website-YAY!

We found a site for the Mission Market. It will be held on April 9 with a raindate of April 16. See a few posts back for more info. I will post more details as I have them.

God is so faithful and works everything out in His perfect time :)