Sunday, February 6, 2011


I am SO EXCITED about this!

YOU can buy books for the kids at the Heritage of Faith Christian School!

So, the Heritage of Faith school currently does not have any books...none! Not picture books, not text books...NO books! Can you IMAGINE a school without books? This is why our mission is to start a library for them. Here is how you can help: I have a Scholastic account and have created a "Parent" log-in name and password. You can log in, view my wish list of books I have selected, and purchase as many as you'd like.

-The books range in price from $1.00 to sets that are 80 books for $64. Scroll through the list and choose books that are favorites from your childhood or perhaps ones you read to your own kids.
-The books will be shipped to me FREE
-I earn a $3.00 gift certificate for every order that is placed online

1. Click this link:

2: Enter the username "books for africa"

3: Enter the password "kenya"

4: Click on "View Classroom Wishlist"

5: SHOP! Scroll thorugh the list of books I have picked out and add them to your cart. At the end click "Submit order to teacher". Your card will not be charged until I place the order.

PLEASE pass the link, username, and password along to anyone you think may want to purchase books. Thanks for your support! :)

1 comment:

  1. awesome, I love this! I'll try to pass it along to some friends, too.
