Saturday, January 15, 2011


Today when I was reading Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire By Jim Cymbala I could not believe how perfectly this quote described how I am feeling today.

(In reference to David in his battle with Goliath) "David's weaponry was rediculous: a sling shot and five stones. It didn't matter. God still uses foolish tools in the hands of weak people to build his kingdom. Backed by prayer and his power, we can accomplish the unthinkable."

I am not equiped for this journey. I do not have several thousand dollars just laying around that I can't figure out how to spend. I alone am weak. Yet, God has been faithful once again by accomplishing the unthinkable and providing me people who support and encourage me and have provided me with the financial means to go and "build his kingdom".

A few words that start to touch the tip of the ice burg of how I felt when I opened the cards in my mailbox today are: humbled, blessed, grateful, undeserving, shocked, loved, thankful, excited.

thank you...

1 comment:

  1. Em! It's amazing to see God move when it seems impossible! But remember "Nothing is impossible with God." Luke 1:37. So excited for you!!
