Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Answered prayers!!!

God is SO faithful!

Before I clicked the final button to send my little blog out into cyber space, I prayed that God would use it to bring people that would be able to help us make the biggest impact possible for God's kingdom.

Yesterday I recieved a facebook message from a friend and co-worker named Ashli who read my blog and told me abot her desire to go to Africa one day as well. (Exciting for us to find out that we have this in common!) She also told me about a friend of hers who establishes libraries in Africa. (www.librariesoflove.org) They have been successfully building libraries for several years and their website is filled with incredbly helpful information that others can use to do the same. I thanked God for answering my prayers and for using Ashli to get this useful info to me...

Later that day as I was continuing to think about how awesome this connection was and how helpful the info on their website was it occured to me that I had not yet even mentoned our mission for this trip to Africa on the blog....our mission is to establish a library at the Heritage of Faith and Hope Center!

That is when I REALLY got chills! How incredible that not only did Ashli provide me with the perfect connection and useful info, she had no idea it was even what I was looking for! God is so good! :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh Emily!!!!!!! This is awesome!!!! I'm so excited!!!!! God is definitely orchestrating this trip for us every step of the way!!
